What is Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) treatment?
Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) treatment is a cutting-edge regenerative therapy that treats chronic pain and many orthopedic conditions, such as cartilage and joint injuries, osteoarthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. The treatment uses the body's natural repair mechanisms to heal itself and promote tissue growth. Stem cells are obtained from your bone marrow and applied to the treatment areas to expedite the body's natural healing process and treat orthopedic conditions. BMAC treatment helps address and heal the root cause of your pain to provide long-lasting pain relief, and it can help you delay or even avoid the need for surgical procedures altogether.
How is BMAC treatment performed?
BMAC treatment is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure. Bone marrow is suctioned out from one of the bones in your body, often the hip bone, with a needle. Then, this marrow is processed with a centrifuge, which rapidly spins and concentrates the bone marrow aspirate and stem cells. This concentrate is injected into the treatment area under ultrasound guidance. From start to finish, the procedure takes around two hours.
Am I a candidate?
Get personalized advice on whether BMAC treatment is the right solution for you. Schedule your free consultation with our expert providers today, and take the first step towards a pain-free life.
How does the procedure work?
The patient's bone marrow is the essential component of BMAC treatment. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue found in the center of most bones and is a rich source of stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become other types of specialized cells, and they are packed with anti-inflammatory proteins and growth factors that can be used to help the body regenerate tissue like cartilage. BMAC treatment concentrates these stem cells and injects them into damaged cartilage to kickstart healing and promote tissue growth, relieving pain.
What are the benefits of BMAC treatment?
BMAC treatment addresses the root cause of chronic pain to provide long-lasting pain relief and heal orthopedic conditions. The stem cells from your bone marrow that are introduced to the treatment area help reduce inflammation and initiate your body's natural healing process. Through the treatment, your body becomes more capable of repairing damaged or injured tissues on its own.
Additionally, BMAC treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive. The procedure only takes around two hours to complete, and once the entire process is completed, there is little downtime. You can immediately return to your day and continue with your usual tasks and routine. Recovery time is quick, and there is only minimal discomfort in the area of the body where the clinician extracted the bone marrow. Many patients notice an improvement in their conditions shortly after receiving BMAC treatment, often within two to six weeks.
BMAC treatment provides long-term pain relief, as stem cells have regenerative abilities and can repair and even permanently heal damaged tissue. Other treatments, such as pain-relief medications or drugs, address the symptoms instead of the root of the problem. BMAC treatment activates the body's internal systems to begin its natural healing process and can delay or even prevent the need for invasive surgical procedures.
Would BMAC treatment work for me?
Join the countless patients who have found relief from chronic pain through BMAC treatment. Schedule your free consultation with our medical professionals today and experience the benefits for yourself.
Are there side effects?
There are minimal side effects after BMAC treatment. Since it is a non-surgical procedure that uses concentrate from your own body, it is relatively safe, and there is a reduced risk of allergic reactions or your body rejecting treatment. There is usually a small amount of soreness and swelling at the site where the bone marrow was extracted, but the pain typically disappears completely within a week or two.
BMAC treatment is a relatively safe procedure, but as with any medical treatment, there are risks that may occur. In very rare cases, there could be infection, damage to nerves and blood vessels, or blood clots. However, the chances of this are very low.
Conditions BMAC Treats
Orthopedic conditions and injuries
Arthritis in the hip, knee, or shoulder
Achilles tendinitis
Rotator cuff tendonitis
Chronic back pain due to disc herniation
Meniscus tears
Golfer's elbow
Bone fractures
Cartilage injuries
Frequently Asked Questions
What body parts and conditions can be treated with BMAC treatments?
Does the procedure hurt?
Do you perform image-guided injections?
Are the results permanent?
Will my body reject the BMAC treatment?
Can BMAC help optimize my results from a surgical procedure?
What can I expect during the procedure?
How should I prepare for the procedure?
What should I expect after the procedure?
How many injections do I need?
When can I expect to see results?
Is all BMAC the same?
Can BMAC delay a knee replacement?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Use concentrated doses of your own platelets to accelerate healing
Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA)
Harness the power of mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)
Prevent cartilage breakdown and slow the progression of osteoarthritis
Adipose Tissue Therapy
Treat pain and promote healing with adipose tissue-derived stem cells
Use natural irritants to kickstart your body's healing response
Trigger Point Injections
Relax muscles and alleviate pain by treating trigger point areas ("knots")
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